A Brand New Series - Just Bros!

Hello world! This a brand new VN titled Just Bros. Unlike other VNs, this will not be an anthology series! This is a full length story based VN!This VN will be my biggest project yet!  A dedicated page has been set up for this series here - https://ellofatdog.itch.io/just-bros where you will find more detailed summary of what this VN is about. You can also download the censored demo version there! 

In summary, this will be a dating sim with lots of potential dates and hookups! 

The VN may start slow as this is just an introduction. As the story progress, get ready for more raunchy routes and naughty actions!Please do let me know if you encounter any bugs or have any feedbacks! I will be adding more variety and potential dates in future updates!

Anyways have a great month ahead and stay safe everyone!

If you enjoy my work, for a price of a cup of coffee every month, have access to all the ongoing full-length visual novels as well as all the already released mini visual novels over here! - www.patreon.com/ellofatdog

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