Just Bros Chapter 8 Update

JustBros new update is out!

All Cato's scenario reported bugs and glitches are fixed.

This update continues story progression for Ryder, Jorge , Jasper.

If you save Yan in previous chapter, Yan romance story also starts here. If not, it is locked forever.

There are 3 stages to this chapter ending. It depends on your approval ratings with Jasper since chapter 1. If you have not been nice to Jasper, you will still be able to experience the first stage of the fun event. 

If you have been actively trying to get on Jasper's good side from the start, you will get to go through all 3 stages of the event. The maximum approval rating you can get for Jasper at this point of the game is 32. If you have trouble getting the perfect ending for this chapter, use the guide!

Head over to www.patreon.com/ellofatdog for more info!

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I'm looking forward to every patch! For now, I can only play through demos and stuff because I'm a broke high schooler but in time I hope that I can subscribe to you and your Patreon.  More power!!!