Just Bros Chapter 11

Just Bros Chapter 11 is here!

Christmas is early because after 10 chapters, you finally get to see a sneak peak of what Ryder, Vinny and Jorge is packing for the first time

All those affection points you've been amassing, this is where you get to reap your rewards

Chapter 11 consist of

+ Ellis story update

+ Yan story update (if you save yan in previous chapter and open his romance route)

+ A little bonus naughty Raymond scenario (if you choose the right option)

+ Bonding time with either Jorge, Vinny, Jasper or Ryder

if you have hard time getting what you want, Vanilla subs get a guide to let you know which options are the right choices to get the romance you want. Or you can just wait for the HD release of every CGs with every romance without having to go through all the hassle of replaying routes.

for more please visit www.patreon.com/ellofatdog

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Hello, is there a current walkthrough that is available for everything that has been updated? There was one, but it seems to cut off.

hello where can i get all the chapter of Just bro episode part1 aand part 2

Any updates on the next chapter?

any plans releasing chapter 12 this mon?

Chapter 12 is coming this month ~

When can we expect to see chapter 13?

where can I download it?

The game is available at www.patreon.com/ellofatdog !